Moving ahead with the Keystone XL pipeline

Construction of the much delayed Keystone XL pipeline will commence in the coming days with the government of Alberta providing financial backing of US$1.1 billion by way of equity participation and a US$4.2 billion loan guarantee. Continue reading “Moving ahead with the Keystone XL pipeline”

Traction in the Canadian oil patch

Deteriorating conditions in the Middle East are causing concerns about security of oil supply, and driving up prices.  This benefits all producers, but Canadian oil and gas companies are also benefitting from political decisions affecting access to markets. Continue reading “Traction in the Canadian oil patch”

Balancing climate and energy policy

Themoneynarrative is pleased to present, for educational purposes, an article entitled “Balancing climate and energy policy, the Trans Mountain pipeline is the right decision for Canadacontributed to The Globe and Mail and originally published on June 18, 2019.  Continue reading “Balancing climate and energy policy”

Pipeline politics – moving ahead #3

In a nod to common sense and economic prosperity, the Canadian cabinet reapproved today (June 18, 2019) the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project.  Now let’s get the project built, sold (by the Federal government) to private interests, Continue reading “Pipeline politics – moving ahead #3”