
My passion for investing started at the age of sixteen. Now, after more than three decades in law and financial services, I am sharing my experience and thoughts with others so that they too can achieve financial success. Themoneynarrative provides common sense investing information and timely recommendations. Experience and insight into the big picture, coupled with thorough research and regular meetings with corporate leaders and financial industry professionals, give themoneynarrative, and you, an edge.

All opinions and commentary are based upon our research and analysis, except as otherwise disclosed from time to time. Themoneynarrative is operated as a not-for-profit site – we earn nothing whatsoever from our site or publications; absolutely no money or benefits of any kind are received with respect to any issuer, although we maintain close contact with a significant number of listed companies. The advertisements that appear within the site are generated by the site host, WordPress, and any benefits therefrom accrue entirely to them or their advertisers.